
Ceremony is a way to express feelings, set goals, explore difficulties and celebrate. 
It is the inherent and visceral language of our spirits.  

Ceremony can be the catalyst toward moving to a new 'place',
or it can be an utterance of an ending. 

Ceremony brings the sacred forward in our lives

I can guide you on this process:

​to create your personal emotional, spiritual, mental or artistic 
place where you can deal with and explore and express issues 
in a nurturing, creative, powerful and heartfelt manner

to offer traditional ceremony individually or group, 
such as pipe and sweat lodge, holiday and spiritual 
and emotional occasions and markers 

Ceremony ends, begins, helps us with and creates the
momentum to achieve our goals and examine ourselves.

 The ceremonial act brings the sacred space into our lives. 

This adds a level, a dimension to our experience and healing.

 Ceremony is a metaphor, a rendering of an issue, vision and desired end,
a fulfillment. It marks time, created space, helps us heal, move on and name.

Creating your own ceremony is an important component of healing 
 to maintain your health and happiness on all levels.

                                                                       Why Create your own Ceremony
Creating your own ceremony is an important component of healing to maintain your health on all 
levels. A ceremony can be as simple as lighting a candle, reading a poem or taking a moment to breath
 and step into a psychological space that you have created to contain a ceremonial healing space.

       Our own lives and accomplishments, happiness and sadness need its expression. Life 
      is full of moments that define us. Whether it is the joy of forming a new relationship 
     or the painful ending of one. Perhaps the emotional breakthrough you have been      
     working towards finally occurred, and now you are a different person who will live 
     life differently, This entails letting go of the old and embracing the new. This is a 
    deeply personal and important time that needs to be reckoned with and held. 
    Perhaps a personal ceremony to connect to the sacred and divine brings that 
     presence more deeply into your soul and is ultimately more meaningful for you. 

All of these themes;the event to commemorate, the reason to celebration, the time to dedicate 
and the issue to define, are also part of our personal and private landscapes that need attention and care.

 healing is the wisdom inside of you  and the vision in front of you 
Nanci Bern
 In-Sight Healing
Shamanic PracticeTraumaReikiEco-Art TherapyTarotKabbalahFlower/ Gem EssenceEFTCeremonyArticles

trauma-informed healing for your 
physical, emotional,
mental and spiritual health 

Distant & Local
Spiritual Counseling